Works by Fila 13
Tomato Blues (2022)
Morphs (2021)
Tic-Tac Party (2017)
Ylem (2017)
Tempo al Dente (2017)
Tunnel 3 (2017)
K-5 (2008)
People's Choice Award, Guelph Dance 2009
Coquille d'oeil (2004)
Other works : PEM (2014), SINK (2014), Poème pour espace restreint (2013), Klimtic (2009), Fugue (2005), Inspirations fugitives (2000), Virtual Reality (1997), Monk's Dream (1997), Devenir Blue (1996), Le gardien (1995) and Skin Walker (1995) are part of a series of short pieces created and performed by Lina Cruz and her longtime musical collaborator, Philippe Noireaut.
Photographers (left to right): video frame LCM, John Lauener, Danielle Plourde, Jeremy Mimnagh, Maxime Daigle, Alexandre Frenette, Lina Cruz, Cécé, Laurent Boutéraon and Andres de Gabriel.
Performers in the photos: Danielle Davidson, Antoine, Turmine, Geneviève Robitaille, Abe Mijnheer, Alexandra St-Pierre, Throwdown Collective, G. Robitaille et Raphaëlle Fougères, J.F. Duke et Fabien Piché, Lydia Wagerer et Harold Rhéaume, Catherine Larocque et Danielle Davidson, Loîc Stafford, C. Larocque et Louis Turcotte, Lina Cruz et Elinor Fueter, C. Larocque and L. Stafford.
Copyright 2022 Fila 13 Productions
All rights reserved -Tous droits réservés